Curriculum Overview :
2 Week Course ($600)
The two week course comprises the full practical and theoretical explanation and understanding of the following :
Standing Asanas
- Mountain Pose (tadasana)
- Forward Fold (uttanasana)
- Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana I)
- Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana II)
- Triangle Pose (utthita trikonasana)
- Triangle Twist (parivrtta trikonasana)
- Crescent Lunge (ashta chandrasana)
- Tree Pose (vrksasana)
- Yogi Squat (malasana)
- Chair Pose (utkatasana)
Sitting Asanas
- Staff Pose (DANDASANA)
- Seated Forward Fold (PASCHIMOTTANASANA)
- Head To Knee Pose (JANU SIRSASANA)
- Thunderbolt Pose (VAJRASANA)
- Easy Pose (SUKHASANA)
- Cobbler’s Pose (BADDHA KONASANA)
- Lotus Pose (PADMASANA)
- Half Lords Of The Fishes Pose (ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA)
- Cow Face Pose (GOMUKHASANA)
Lying Asanas
- Savasana – The Corpse Pose
- Matsyasana – The Fish Pose
- Dhanurasana – The Bow Pose
- Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose
- Bhujangasana || , a variation
- Halasana – The Plough Pose
- Pavanamuktasana – The Wind-Releasing Pose
- Tanasan
- Anantasan or Krishnasan
- Naukasan
4 Week Course ($1020)
The 4 Week course comprises of the complete curriculam of the 2 week course . In addition to that it also focuses on the fundamental understanding of the following complex yoga principles
- Bhastrika
- Kapal Bhati
- Anulom vilom
- Surya Bhedi
- Chandra Bhedi
- Jnana/Gyan Mudra (Psychic gesture of Knowledge)
- Chinmaya Mudra (Awareness)
- Vayu Mudra (Air)
- Agni Mudra (Fire)
- Varun Mudra ( Water)
- Prana Mudra (Life)
- Shunya Mudra (Sky)
- Surya Mudra (Sun)
- Prithvi Mudra (Earth)
(Course Material and reading material will be provided during the course)