Curriculum Overview :

2 Week Course ($600)

The two week course comprises the full practical and theoretical explanation and understanding of the following :

Standing Asanas

  1. Mountain Pose (tadasana)
  2. Forward Fold (uttanasana)
  3. Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana I)
  4. Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana II)
  5. Triangle Pose (utthita trikonasana)
  6. Triangle Twist (parivrtta trikonasana)
  7. Crescent Lunge (ashta chandrasana)
  8. Tree Pose (vrksasana)
  9. Yogi Squat (malasana)
  10. Chair Pose (utkatasana)

 Sitting Asanas

  1. Staff Pose (DANDASANA)
  2. Seated Forward Fold (PASCHIMOTTANASANA)
  3. Head To Knee Pose (JANU SIRSASANA)
  4. Thunderbolt Pose (VAJRASANA)
  5. Easy Pose (SUKHASANA)
  6. Cobbler’s Pose (BADDHA KONASANA)
  7. Half Lotus (ARDHA PADMASANA)
  8. Lotus Pose (PADMASANA)
  9. Half Lords Of The Fishes Pose (ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA)
  10. Cow Face Pose (GOMUKHASANA)

Lying Asanas

  1. Savasana – The Corpse Pose
  2. Matsyasana – The Fish Pose
  3. Dhanurasana – The Bow Pose
  4. Bhujangasana – The Cobra Pose
  5. Bhujangasana || , a variation
  6. Halasana – The Plough Pose
  7. Pavanamuktasana – The Wind-Releasing  Pose 
  8. Tanasan
  9. Anantasan or Krishnasan
  10. Naukasan

4 Week Course ($1020)

The 4 Week course comprises of the complete curriculam of the 2 week course . In addition to that it also focuses on the fundamental understanding of the following complex yoga principles


  1. Bhastrika
  2. Kapal Bhati
  3. Anulom vilom
  4. Surya Bhedi
  5. Chandra Bhedi


    1. Jnana/Gyan Mudra (Psychic gesture of Knowledge)
    2. Chinmaya Mudra (Awareness)
    3. Vayu Mudra (Air)
    4. Agni Mudra (Fire)
    5. Varun Mudra ( Water)
    6. Prana Mudra (Life)
    7. Shunya Mudra (Sky)
    8. Surya Mudra (Sun)
    9. Prithvi Mudra (Earth)

(Course Material and reading material will be provided during the course)